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Version: 7.0 (Unstable) 🚧


The SRS origin cluster is a group of origin servers intended for handling a large number of streams.

The new origin cluster is designed as a collection of proxy servers that load balance and proxy to a set of origin servers. For more information, see Discussion #3634. If you prefer to use the old origin cluster, please switch to a version before SRS 6.0.


You can deploy multiple SRS origin servers, to handle a large number of streams. The proxy server is used as a load balancer for these origin servers:

                               +-------+ SRS Origin Server  +
                               +       +--------------------+
+-----------------------+      +       +--------------------+
+ SRS Proxy(Deployment) +------+-------+ SRS Origin Server  +
+-----------------------+      +       +--------------------+
                               +       +--------------------+
                               +-------+ SRS Origin Server  +

The origin cluster also enhances the scalability of the origin server. For instance, with 200 backend SRS origin servers, it can support 100 WebRTC streamers, each with 200 viewers, totaling 20,000 connections. If you deploy this cluster on a server with a large number of CPU cores, it becomes a very powerful media server.

Note: You are also able to deploy multiple proxy servers, or proxy to other media servers, or work with edge cluster, see Design for details.

The proxy server support almost all protocols of SRS, including RTMP, HTTP-FLV, HLS, WebRTC, and SRT. Please see Protocols for details.


To build the proxy server, you need to have Go 1.18+ installed. Then, you can build the proxy server by:

cd srs/proxy && make

Note: You can also download the dependencies by running go mod download before building.

We will support the Docker image in the future, or integrate the proxy server into the Oryx project.

RTMP Origin Cluster

To use the RTMP origin cluster, you need to deploy the proxy server and the origin server. First, start the proxy server:

    PROXY_SYSTEM_API=12025 PROXY_LOAD_BALANCER_TYPE=memory ./srs-proxy

Note: Here we use the memory load balancer, you can switch to redis if you want to run more than one proxy server.

Then, deploy three origin servers, which connects to the proxy server via port 12025:

./objs/srs -c conf/origin1-for-proxy.conf
./objs/srs -c conf/origin2-for-proxy.conf
./objs/srs -c conf/origin3-for-proxy.conf

Note: The origin servers are independent, so it's recommended to deploy them as Deployments in Kubernetes (K8s).

Now, you're able to publish RTMP stream to the proxy server:

ffmpeg -re -i doc/source.flv -c copy -f flv rtmp://localhost/live/livestream

And play the RTMP stream from the proxy server:

ffplay rtmp://localhost/live/livestream

Or play HTTP-FLV stream from the proxy server:

ffplay http://localhost:8080/live/livestream.flv

Or play HLS stream from the proxy server:

ffplay http://localhost:8080/live/livestream.m3u8

Or play the WebRTC stream via WHEP player from proxy server.

You can also use VLC or other players to play the stream in proxy server.

WebRTC Origin Cluster

To use the WebRTC origin cluster, you need to deploy the proxy server and the origin server. First, start the proxy server:

    PROXY_SYSTEM_API=12025 PROXY_LOAD_BALANCER_TYPE=memory ./srs-proxy

Note: Here we use the memory load balancer, you can switch to redis if you want to run more than one proxy server.

Then, deploy three origin servers, which connects to the proxy server via port 12025:

./objs/srs -c conf/origin1-for-proxy.conf
./objs/srs -c conf/origin2-for-proxy.conf
./objs/srs -c conf/origin3-for-proxy.conf

Note: The origin servers are independent, so it's recommended to deploy them as Deployments in Kubernetes (K8s).

Now, you're able to publish WebRTC stream via WHIP publisher to the proxy server.

And play the WebRTC stream via WHEP player from proxy server.

Or play the RTMP stream from the proxy server:

ffplay rtmp://localhost/live/livestream

Or play HTTP-FLV stream from the proxy server:

ffplay http://localhost:8080/live/livestream.flv

Or play HLS stream from the proxy server:

ffplay http://localhost:8080/live/livestream.m3u8

You can also use VLC or other players to play the stream in proxy server.

SRT Origin Cluster

To use the SRT origin cluster, you need to deploy the proxy server and the origin server. First, start the proxy server:

    PROXY_SYSTEM_API=12025 PROXY_LOAD_BALANCER_TYPE=memory ./srs-proxy

Note: Here we use the memory load balancer, you can switch to redis if you want to run more than one proxy server.

Then, deploy three origin servers, which connects to the proxy server via port 12025:

./objs/srs -c conf/origin1-for-proxy.conf
./objs/srs -c conf/origin2-for-proxy.conf
./objs/srs -c conf/origin3-for-proxy.conf

Note: The origin servers are independent, so it's recommended to deploy them as Deployments in Kubernetes (K8s).

Now, you're able to publish SRT stream to the proxy server:

ffmpeg -re -i ./doc/source.flv -c copy -pes_payload_size 0 -f mpegts \

And play the SRT stream from the proxy server:

ffplay 'srt://!::r=live/livestream,m=request'

Or play the RTMP stream from the proxy server:

ffplay rtmp://localhost/live/livestream

Or play HTTP-FLV stream from the proxy server:

ffplay http://localhost:8080/live/livestream.flv

Or play HLS stream from the proxy server:

ffplay http://localhost:8080/live/livestream.m3u8

Or play the WebRTC stream via WHEP player from proxy server.

You can also use VLC or other players to play the stream in proxy server.


The proxy server is configured by environment variables. The supported environment variables for proxy backend server are:

  • PROXY_HTTP_API: The HTTP API port, proxy to SRS origin server. Default: 11985
  • PROXY_HTTP_SERVER: The HTTP streaming server, proxy to SRS origin server. Default: 18080
  • PROXY_RTMP_SERVER: The RTMP server, proxy to SRS origin server. Default: 11935
  • PROXY_WEBRTC_SERVER: The WebRTC server, proxy to SRS origin server, via UDP protocol. Default: 18000
  • PROXY_SRT_SERVER: The SRT server, proxy to SRS origin server. Default: 20080

The following environment variables are about the proxy server itself:

  • PROXY_SYSTEM_API: The system API port, allow origin server register services to proxy servers. Default: 12025
  • PROXY_STATIC_FILES: The files directory for static web server, like the players. Default: ../trunk/research
  • PROXY_LOAD_BALANCER_TYPE: The load balancer type, memory or redis. Default: redis

For the Redis load balancer, you need to set the following environment variables:

  • PROXY_REDIS_HOST: The Redis host. Default:
  • PROXY_REDIS_PORT: The Redis port. Default: 6379
  • PROXY_REDIS_PASSWORD: The Redis password. Default to empty, no password.
  • PROXY_REDIS_DB: The Redis DB. Default: 0

For debugging, the proxy server will proxy to a default origin server, you can set the following environment variables:

  • PROXY_DEFAULT_BACKEND_ENABLED: Whether to enable the default backend origin server. Default: off
  • PROXY_DEFAULT_BACKEND_IP: The default backend IP. Default:
  • PROXY_DEFAULT_BACKEND_RTMP: The default backend RTMP port. Default: 1935
  • PROXY_DEFAULT_BACKEND_HTTP: The default backend HTTP port. Default: 8080
  • PROXY_DEFAULT_BACKEND_RTC: The default backend WebRTC port via UDP. Default: 8000
  • PROXY_DEFAULT_BACKEND_SRT: The default backend SRT port. Default: 10080
  • PROXY_DEFAULT_BACKEND_API: The default backend API port. Default: 1985

Note: The default backend origin server, is designed for any RTMP server like nginx-rtmp, it does not require the origin server to register to the proxy server.


The proxy works with SRS origin servers, and the stream flow operates as follows:

Client ----> Proxy Server ---> Origin Servers
Client ---> LB --> Proxy Servers --> Origin Servers

OBS/FFmpeg --RTMP--> K8s(Service) --Proxy--> SRS(pod A)

Browsers --FLV/HLS/SRT--> K8s(Service) --Proxy--> SRS(pod A)

Browsers --+---HTTP-API--> K8s(Service) --Proxy--> SRS(pod A)
           +---WebRTC----> K8s(Service) --Proxy--> SRS(pod A)

Note: This proxy server can be deployed in Kubernetes (K8s) and can route traffic to the SRS origin servers. The proxy server functions as a load balancer to distribute the load among the origin servers. You can also use the proxy server without Kubernetes.

This is the detailed deployment process that works with the Kubernetes (K8s) system:

                     +---+ SRS Proxy(Deployment) +------+---------------------+
+-----------------+  |   +-----------+-----------+      +                     +
| LB(K8s Service) +--+               +(Redis/MESH)      + SRS Origin Servers  +
+-----------------+  |   +-----------+-----------+      +    (Deployment)     +
                     +---+ SRS Proxy(Deployment) +------+---------------------+

Note: There are multiple proxy servers, so they need Redis or MESH to synchronize their state. MESH means the proxy servers connect to each other to sync the state and should be deployed as a StatefulSet in Kubernetes (K8s). The Redis solution is preferable because the proxy server can be deployed as a Deployment in K8s, and you can also use a Redis cluster for high availability.

Note: There are multiple origin servers, which are deployed as Deployments in Kubernetes (K8s), as there is no need to sync the state between origin servers. These origin servers are completely independent, making the system very robust. Please note that this is different from the previous origin cluster before SRS 6.0, which used MESH to connect to each other, and it was not a good architecture.

If you want to build an origin cluster with a single proxy server and multiple origin servers:

                               +-------+ SRS Origin Server  +
                               +       +--------------------+
+-----------------------+      +       +--------------------+
+ SRS Proxy(Deployment) +------+-------+ SRS Origin Server  +
+-----------------------+      +       +--------------------+
                               +       +--------------------+
                               +-------+ SRS Origin Server  +

Note: A single proxy server architecture is also useful if you only want to support many streams with a small number of viewers. The proxy server is very high performance and supports multiple processes.

Note: If you want to use multiple proxy servers, you can simply deploy more and connect them to the same Redis server. These proxy servers will work together to support a large number of streams. This architecture is scalable.

With this architecture, you can support a large number of streams and then use edge servers to support multiple viewers.

+------------------+                                               +--------------------+
+ SRS Edge Server  +--+                                    +-------+ SRS Origin Server  +
+------------------+  +                                    +       +--------------------+
                      +                                    +
+------------------+  +     +-----------------------+      +       +--------------------+
+ SRS Edge Server  +--+-----+ SRS Proxy(Deployment) +------+-------+ SRS Origin Server  +
+------------------+  +     +-----------------------+      +       +--------------------+
                      +                                    +
+------------------+  +                                    +       +--------------------+
+ SRS Edge Server  +--+                                    +-------+ SRS Origin Server  +
+------------------+                                               +--------------------+

Note: With this architecture, you can build a very large media system that supports a large number of streams and viewers. It is a complex system to maintain, so only use it if necessary.

In fact, a proxy server also works with SRS edge servers, but it is not a typical architecture.


Because the proxy server is a new server, not all protocols are supported yet. The supported protocols are:

  • RTMP: Proxy RTMP protocol to the SRS origin server.
  • HTTP-FLV: Proxy HTTP-FLV protocol to the SRS origin server.
  • HTTP-TS: Proxy HTTP-TS protocol to the SRS origin server.
  • HLS: Proxy HLS protocol to the SRS origin server.
  • WebRTC: Proxy WebRTC(WHIP/WHEP) protocol to the SRS origin server.
  • SRT: Proxy SRT protocol to the SRS origin server.
  • MPEG-DASH: Proxy MPEG-DASH protocol to the SRS origin server.
  • RTSP: Proxy RTSP protocol to the SRS origin server.

There are also some key features not supported yet:

  • Single node proxy server, use memory to store state.
  • Redis: Connect to the Redis server to sync the state.
  • MESH: Connect to other proxy servers to sync the state.
  • HTTP-API: Provide an HTTP API that collects all the metrics of the origin servers.
  • Exporter: Provide a Prometheus exporter that exports the metrics of the proxy server.

For a media cluster, the media server is only one part of the whole system. The control and management panel are also very important to maintain this complex system.


The origin server can register itself to the proxy server, so the proxy server can load balance the backend servers. The register API is a simple HTTP API:

curl -X POST \
     -H "Connection: Close" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "User-Agent: curl" \
     -d '{
          "device_id": "origin2",
          "ip": "",
          "server": "vid-46p14mm",
          "service": "z2s3w865",
          "pid": "42583",
          "rtmp": ["19352"],
          "http": ["8082"],
          "api": ["19853"],
          "srt": ["10082"],
          "rtc": ["udp://"]
  • ip: Mandatory, the IP of the backend server. Make sure the proxy server can access the backend server via this IP.
  • server: Mandatory, the server id of backend server. For SRS, it stores in file, may not change.
  • service: Mandatory, the service id of backend server. For SRS, it always changes when restarted.
  • pid: Mandatory, the process id of backend server. Used to identify whether process restarted.
  • rtmp: Mandatory, the RTMP listen endpoints of backend server. Proxy server will connect backend server via this port for RTMP protocol.
  • http: Optional, the HTTP listen endpoints of backend server. Proxy server will connect backend server via this port for HTTP-FLV or HTTP-TS protocol.
  • api: Optional, the HTTP API listen endpoints of backend server. Proxy server will connect backend server via this port for HTTP-API, such as WHIP and WHEP.
  • srt: Optional, the SRT listen endpoints of backend server. Proxy server will connect backend server via this port for SRT protocol.
  • rtc: Optional, the WebRTC listen endpoints of backend server. Proxy server will connect backend server via this port for WebRTC protocol.
  • device_id: Optional, the device id of backend server. Used as a label for the backend server.

The listen endpoint format is port, or protocol://ip:port, or protocol://:port, for example:

  • 1935: Listen on port 1935 and any IP for TCP protocol.
  • tcp://:1935: Listen on port 1935 and any IP for TCP protocol.
  • tcp:// Listen on port 1935 and any IP for TCP protocol.
  • tcp:// Listen on port 1935 and specified IP for TCP protocol.

You can also use SRS 5.0+ as backend server, which supports heartbeat feature to register itself to proxy server.

Furthermore, you can write a curl script to register the backend server, or a dedicate backend server manage service. For example, if you don't want to modify the nginx-rtmp code, you can use a isolate program to register the nginx-rtmp to proxy server.