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SRS - Fix Memory Leaks with Smart Pointers

· 12 min read

After 8 years, we resolved the memory leak issue in SRS using our own implementation of basic Smart Pointers, maintaining the project's manageability.


Each stream on the SRS server has a Source object that manages the stream's lifecycle. To keep the logic and code simple, SRS did not release the Source object; with a large number of streams, such as constantly changing streaming addresses, this led to continuous memory growth and leaks.

Previously, the workaround was to restart the service late at night. SRS supports Gracefully Quit, which restarts the service when there are no connections, but this did not completely solve the problem.

To address this issue, we introduced Smart Pointers to manage the lifecycle of Source objects. We did not use C++ 11 because SRS needs to compile in various environments. Instead, we implemented a simplified version of Smart Pointers, supporting only some features.


Before any work addressing this issue, we need refine the shared ptr of SRS, which is used in RTMP shared message, GB sessions, and in future source objects.

Refer to Using C++11’s Smart Pointers, there are three varieties of smart pointers:

  • Shared ptr: Akin to SrsSharedPtrMessage used for RTMP message, and SrsLazyObjectWrapper for GB28181.
  • Weak ptr: No such ptr in SRS before 5.0 version. We can avoid this by removing any circle reference of pointer.
  • Unique ptr: The corresponding ptr is SrsAutoFree that free the ptr in the local scope.

If we carefully design and limit the usage of smart ptr, such as no cycle link that means we do not need weak ptr, we can archive a simple and easy to maintain smart ptr for SRS. We also consider bellow features:

  • Inheritance: Do not use inheritance with smart pointer, although we can write correct code, but it's complex to discuss.
  • Comparing: Do not support comparing smart pointers, because we only need to manage the memory automatically.
  • make_shared: Do not support this helper function, because we do not consider performance issue by new operator.
  • shared_from_this: Do not support this helper template, because we do not need this feature.
  • make_unique: Do not support this, because we allow naked new operator, and carefully code review is required.

Again, we don't want to switch to C++11 because I think the modern C++ 11/14/17/20 is really a horrible thing that does not fix anything, but introduces a lot of bad grammar sugar. We do not want any grammar sugar, which is very harmful for communication. We have experienced a lot of disaster of smart pointers and sugars, so we want to keep the usage very simple:

  1. No grammar sugar: No weak ptr, no make shared, no make unique, no inheritance, no comparing, no circle reference, no C++11/14/17/20/22 etc.
  2. Follow the C++ standard API if any API is really required, do not invent new wheels, no new functions and names.
  3. Carefully code review, programmer should take responsibility for code and memory issues.

In the other hand, we should not reinvent wheels especially for smart ptr, so we must use almost the same API of C++ standard library. That is why we should learn from C++11 and refactor the similar smart ptrs in SRS.

Smart pointers might seem simple when they’re just about memory management, but when you delve into inheritance, copying, comparison, performance, circular references, pointer conversion, creation, and the purism of "no naked new", their capabilities become significantly richer. In reality, the main issues with C++ programs stem from programmers messing around, and this purism along with various syntactic sugar makes it hard to notice when they are.

Most problems can be addressed with something as straightforward as an AK47, yet there's an obsession with acquiring more advanced weaponry, which leads to a situation where, on the battlefield, you can’t even fire a shot due to jams and blowbacks. This is because it’s very hard to spot when programmers are messing about in companies, with large amounts of code being submitted, the usage of various new features, and tight deadlines.

The true gates of hell in C++ are not the limited old features of C, but its plethora of new features.

Shared Ptr

We implemented a simple Shared Ptr that supports reference counting and automatic release, based on #6834ec2.

template<class T>
class SrsSharedPtr
    // Pointer to the object.
    T* ptr_;
    // Reference count of the object.
    uint32_t* ref_count_;

Usage is similar to std::shared_ptr, but it supports fewer interfaces:

SrsSharedPtr<MyClass> ptr(new MyClass());

SrsSharedPtr<MyClass> cp = ptr;

It also involves copy constructor, assignment, and move constructor, as well as some operator overloading. For details, refer to the code and the unit test examples. Overall, this part is relatively simple to implement.

Shared Resource

In addition to the Shared Ptr smart pointer, we also support Shared Resource, which mainly implements the ISrsResource interface and can be released by the ResourceManager. Refer to #6834ec2.

template<typename T>
class SrsSharedResource : public ISrsResource
    SrsSharedPtr<T> ptr_;

In fact, Shared Resource and Shared Ptr have exactly the same interface, but we did not use inheritance; instead, we used composition. Using it is the same as using Shared Ptr, but it can be managed by a Manager:

SrsSharedResource<MyClass>* ptr = new SrsSharedResource<MyClass>(new MyClass());

ISrsResourceManager* manager = ...;

In practical application scenarios, resources are often managed by a coroutine. For example, a GB SIP connection will start a separate coroutine to serve this connection. Similarly, there are GB Media connections, GB Session sessions, RTC TCP connections, etc. We created an Executor to implement this common logic:

SrsExecutorCoroutine::SrsExecutorCoroutine(ISrsResourceManager* m, ISrsResource* r)
    resource_ = r;
    manager_ = m;
    trd_ = new SrsSTCoroutine("ar", this, resource_->get_id());


srs_error_t SrsExecutorCoroutine::cycle()
    srs_error_t err = handler_->cycle();
    return err;

Therefore, we can easily use the Executor to manage this type of Resource:

SrsGbSipTcpConn* raw_conn = new SrsGbSipTcpConn();
SrsSharedResource<SrsGbSipTcpConn>* conn = new SrsSharedResource<SrsGbSipTcpConn>(raw_conn);
SrsExecutorCoroutine* executor = new SrsExecutorCoroutine(_srs_gb_manager, conn, raw_conn, raw_conn);
if ((err = executor->start()) != srs_success) {
    return srs_error_wrap(err, "gb sip");

It is worth emphasizing that the Executor and Smart Ptr are not inherently related; they are designed as a mechanism to solve a common scenario. Otherwise, multiple places would need to implement repetitive logic, making it more complex. Additionally, since the Executor references ISrsResource, we use the Resource Ptr pointer object instead of directly using the Shared Ptr pointer.


GB28181's SIP and Media are two separate protocols and transmission channels. This involves independent lifecycles and management of objects. Refer to #4080 for details, as illustrated in the diagram below:

SIPTcpConn is the SIP object for GB, usually listening on TCP port 5060, responsible for device registration and information collection. MediaTcpConn is the media transmission object for GB, transmitting PS streams. The GB Session is created and managed by SIPTcpConn or MediaTcpConn objects.

In practice, Session, SIPTcpConn, and MediaTcpConn are managed as Shared Resource objects. The Session uses Shared Resource to reference SIPTcpConn and MediaTcpConn. However, SIPTcpConn and MediaTcpConn reference the Session using raw pointers, not Shared Resource, because we have not implemented Weak Ptr and do not support circular references.

WebRTC over TCP

WebRTC over UDP is the default transport method. Since UDP is connectionless, SRS only needs an RTC Connection object to manage the RTC session. For WebRTC over TCP, an additional TCP connection is added, managed by SrsRtcTcpConn. Refer to #4083.

SrsRtcConnection uses a Shared Resource to reference the SrsRtcTcpConn object, while SrsRtcTcpConn directly references the raw pointer of SrsRtcConnection because the lifecycle of SrsRtcConnection is longer.

class SrsRtcTcpConn
    // Since the session references this object, we should directly use the session pointer.
    SrsRtcConnection* session_;

class SrsRtcTcpNetwork: public ISrsRtcNetwork
    SrsSharedResource<SrsRtcTcpConn> owner_;

Since we have not implemented shared_from_this, we need to pass the Shared Resource to SrsRtcTcpConn, which is ultimately managed by the Executor and SrsRtcConnection. As SrsRtcTcpConn starts a coroutine to serve this object, we use the Executor to manage it:

resource = new SrsRtcTcpConn(new SrsTcpConnection(stfd2), ip, port);

SrsRtcTcpConn* raw_conn = dynamic_cast<SrsRtcTcpConn*>(resource);
SrsSharedResource<SrsRtcTcpConn>* conn = new SrsSharedResource<SrsRtcTcpConn>(raw_conn);
SrsExecutorCoroutine* executor = new SrsExecutorCoroutine(_srs_rtc_manager, conn, raw_conn, raw_conn);
if ((err = executor->start()) != srs_success) {
    return srs_error_wrap(err, "start executor");

Before using Smart Ptr, we needed to release the references between SrsRtcConnection and SrsRtcTcpConn when either object was destroyed. With Smart Ptr, this logic is no longer needed; simply releasing SrsRtcTcpConn will automatically handle the cleanup.

SRT Source

The SRT Source also involves cleanup, but it is relatively simple; just switch to using Shared Ptr. For details, refer to #4084.

class SrsSrtSourceManager
    virtual srs_error_t fetch_or_create(SrsRequest* r, SrsSharedPtr<SrsSrtSource>& pps);
    virtual void eliminate(SrsRequest* r);

SrsSharedPtr<SrsSrtSource> srt;
if ((err = _srs_srt_sources->fetch_or_create(r, srt)) != srs_success) {
    return srs_error_wrap(err, "create source");

It is important to note that the Source actually manages the Consumer, so in the Consumer, we use the raw pointer of the Source:

class SrsSrtConsumer
    // Because source references to this object, so we should directly use the source ptr.
    SrsSrtSource* source_;

Release the Source object when there is no streaming or playback:

void SrsSrtSource::on_consumer_destroy(SrsSrtConsumer* consumer)
    // Destroy and cleanup source when no publishers and consumers.
    if (can_publish_ && consumers.empty()) {

void SrsSrtSource::on_unpublish()
    // Destroy and cleanup source when no publishers and consumers.
    if (can_publish_ && consumers.empty()) {

The logic for releasing the Live Source is slightly different (it will be the same in the future), but the use of smart pointers is consistent.

WebRTC Source

Similar to SRT, the WebRTC Source is also relatively simple and only needs to be modified to use a shared pointer. For more details, refer to #4085.

class SrsRtcSourceManager
    virtual srs_error_t fetch_or_create(SrsRequest* r, SrsSharedPtr<SrsRtcSource>& pps);
    virtual SrsSharedPtr<SrsRtcSource> fetch(SrsRequest* r);
    virtual void eliminate(SrsRequest* r);

It is important to note that the Source actually manages the Consumer, so in the Consumer, we use the raw pointer of the Source:

class SrsRtcConsumer
    // Because source references to this object, so we should directly use the source ptr.
    SrsRtcSource* source_;

The WebRTC Source Manager supports a fetch API, which might return a null pointer, for example:

SrsSharedPtr<SrsRtcSource> source = _srs_rtc_sources->fetch(ruc->req_);
is_rtc_stream_active = (source.get() && !source->can_publish());

When there is no publishing or playing, release the Source object:

void SrsRtcSource::on_consumer_destroy(SrsRtcConsumer* consumer)
    // Destroy and cleanup source when no publishers and consumers.
    if (!is_created_ && consumers.empty()) {

void SrsRtcSource::on_unpublish()
    // Destroy and cleanup source when no publishers and consumers.
    if (!is_created_ && consumers.empty()) {

The logic for releasing the Live Source is slightly different (it will be made the same in the future), but the use of smart pointers is consistent.

Live Source

Live Source is the most complex improvement, primarily because HTTP Streaming also uses Source. For more details, refer to #4089.

Therefore, we need to remove some unnecessary references to Source and instead get it from the manager:

srs_error_t SrsLiveStream::do_serve_http(ISrsHttpResponseWriter* w, ISrsHttpMessage* r)
    SrsSharedPtr<SrsLiveSource> live_source = _srs_sources->fetch(req);
    if (!live_source.get()) {
        return srs_error_new(ERROR_NO_SOURCE, "no source for %s", req->get_stream_url().c_str());

The manager is defined as follows. Note that it uses a Timer to check and release Source, which is different from the logic in SRT/RTC. This will be unified in the future:

class SrsLiveSourceManager : public ISrsHourGlass
    virtual srs_error_t fetch_or_create(SrsRequest* r, ISrsLiveSourceHandler* h, SrsSharedPtr<SrsLiveSource>& pps);
    virtual SrsSharedPtr<SrsLiveSource> fetch(SrsRequest* r);

It is important to note that Source actually manages objects like Consumer/OriginHub/Edge, so we use raw pointers to Source in these objects:

class SrsEdgeIngester : public ISrsCoroutineHandler
    // Because source references this object, we should directly use the source ptr.
    SrsLiveSource* source_;

class SrsEdgeForwarder : public ISrsCoroutineHandler
    // Because source references this object, we should directly use the source ptr.
    SrsLiveSource* source_;

class SrsLiveConsumer : public ISrsWakable
    // Because source references this object, we should directly use the source ptr.
    SrsLiveSource* source_;

class SrsOriginHub : public ISrsReloadHandler
    // Because source references this object, we should directly use the source ptr.
    SrsLiveSource* source_;

The manager uses a timer to check and release Source:

srs_error_t SrsLiveSourceManager::notify(int event, srs_utime_t interval, srs_utime_t tick)
    srs_error_t err = srs_success;

    std::map< std::string, SrsSharedPtr<SrsLiveSource> >::iterator it;
    for (it = pool.begin(); it != pool.end();) {
        SrsSharedPtr<SrsLiveSource>& source = it->second;

        if (source->stream_is_dead()) {
            const SrsContextId& cid = source->source_id();
            srs_trace("cleanup dead source, id=[%s], total=%d", cid.c_str(), (int)pool.size());
        } else {

    return err;

This release logic is different from SRT/RTC, but it will be unified in the future. However, the use of smart pointers is consistent.


To simplify the process, SRS initially did not release the Source object. By introducing Smart Pointers, this issue was finally resolved. By applying business constraints and combining raw pointers with Smart Pointers, we avoided the complexity of multiple Smart Pointer functionalities. Overall, the complexity introduced by this change is manageable, and future maintainability is also good.


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